Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Star Text

- Talia Mai

She was inspired by her parents and their passion for music. Therefore pays homage to the 80s/90s music that she grew up on. 

She grew up in London, and grew up on the legacy of other famous British musicians and bands such as the rolling stones, and the Beatles.

She is a R&B/Soul artist, but her main appeal is towards 30-49 year olds, although her music is universal and anyone can listen and relate to what she is singing about. 

She is also influenced by religion (christianity) and wants her music to have a meaning rather than just, words sung by a person. She wants to connect to people on a more spiritual level and she wants them to emotionally connect to her lyrics. 

Artists that are similar to her are:
- Ellia Mai
- Mabel 
- Stefflon Don 

She is similar to them in the sense that she is a artist, a pop artist, a younger singer but her music can be enjoyed by a older audience. 

Her music, and she's inspired by artists such as: 
- Whitney Houston
- Stevie Wonder
- Elton John 
- Madonna
- Prince

All said artists were a big inspiration on her growing up as well as her music. Which will be reflected within her music video. 

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